Feature Articles:

Libreng workshop sa 2nd Philippine International Copyright Summit, mga artista hinimok na lumahok

Sa pagbubukas ngayon ng pinakahihintay na 2nd Philippine International...

Asia CEO Awards Adds USANA Philippines to Their Circle of Excellence

USANA Health Sciences, Inc. and its Philippines market were...

Bumaba ang satisfaction at trust rating ni VP Sara Duterte matapos ang kamakailang Press Con –Tangere Survey

Bumaba ang satisfaction rating ng Pangalawang Pangulong Sara Duterte...

The British Royal Family’s Plan to Return the World to the Stone Age

By: Michael Billington

June 28—No wonder British Royal Family and its stable of genocidalists have rushed to praise the new Papal Encyclical Laudato Si’. It was largely written by their own long time lackey Hans-Joachim (John) Schellnhuber, who was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth in 2004. With this Encyclical, the British Monarchy claims to have captured the Vatican as a tool of their long-standing campaign to reduce world population to about one billion, driving the world back into stone-age conditions, without fossil fuels or nuclear power. In fact, their hoisting the House of Windsor flag over St. Peter’s Basilica, should serve as a warning that they are about to instruct Barack Obama, their asset in the White House, to proceed with his thermonuclear war against Russia and China, a war which is already in the final stages of preparation.

The Encyclical claiming the capture of the Vatican, is the culmination of a thirty-year campaign by the Queen’s Consort, Prince Philip,—famous for his desire to be reincarnated as a deadly virus in order to help solve the “overpopulation problem.” His scheme was to seize control over major world religions, tothen use them as a battering-ram to destroy the fruit of the hated Italian Renaissance: science, technology, industry, and republican government. This would complete the work left unfinished by 150 years of religious warfare in Europe after 1492.

1986 was the 25th Anniversary of the founding of the World Wildlife Fund, which had been co-founded by Philip and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a card-carrying member of the Nazi Party.

On that occasion, Philip sponsored a conference in Assisi, Italy, to create the “WWF Religion and Conservation Network.” It aimed at degrading the world’s religions, injecting into them all and animist, pagan worship of “Mother Earth,” and launching them into a satanic attack on science, technology and population growth as “destructive of the environment.” The intent was to destroy the social and cultural capacity of nations to resist British Empire geno- cide.

This evil political purpose is exemplified by the fact that the person placed in charge of this operation by Prince Philip, one Martin Palmer, is also the British Empire’s leading intelligence agent in their effort to subvert China.

Back to ‘Nature Faiths’

Palmer, Philip’s “religious advisor,” ran the WWF Religion and Conservation Network, which morphed into the Alliance for Religion and Conservation (ARC) in 1995 at a conference held in Windsor Castle. And just last week, the ARC issued a statement hailing Pope Francis’s climate change Encyclical as “something very extraordinary in the journey to link religions with conservation and conservation with religions.”Palmer wrote in his 1992 book Coming of Age: An Exploration of Christianity and the New Age, that Christianity was guilty of the “deification of humanity and its products, science and industry.”

Prince Philip, at the 1995 founding of ARC, attended by representatives of nine world religions, called for “vital action” to protect the environment fromthe dramatic increase in the world’s human population. The key issue for the conservation of our natural environment is to find ways of protecting it from the consequences of the human population explosion.

In an interview with an investigative journalist in 1986 about the purpose of that Assisi conference, Palmer gushed:

The whole idea for these Assisi events came from Prince Philip personally, once he realized that there existed other ways of viewing the relationship between man and nature, than just the Western way. The word from Prince Philip is that, after this week, world religions can never remain the same.

The idea was to degrade the great religions, especially Christianity itself, to the same status as what Palmer called “nature faiths,” referring to aboriginal animist religions and Taoism, which view man as coequal to the animals and to primitive nature. The Assisi conference would launch alternative ways of perceiving nature, where we, the human race, are not the kingpins who can destroy as much as we wish. What we do is, we look more at the Chinese attitude toward the land, the notion that life is cyclical, not linear, that humanity is not the end of creation. Palmer elaborated the point in response to a question on the implications of the Gaia hypothesis:

What the earth cares about is its own continued survival, and if this means shrugging off humanity, then so be it. One of the most challenging ideas emerging from the environmental crisis and from concepts such as Gaia, is the notion that humanity really isn’t that important. This poses major problems to Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.

This was nearly 30 years ago. Now, the fact that Prince Philip’s Commander of the British Empire, John Schellnhuber, has now trumpeted the capture the Vatican for this anti-Christian, anti-human view of the world, must be recognized as the enormous threat that it is. Even then, In 1986, Palmer bragged that he had “good working relations” with leading figures in the Vatican and the Justice and Peace (Justitia et Pax) group. The current head of the Justitia et Pax, Cardinal Turkson, is a rabid environmentalist, and participated along with Schellnhuber at the official release

of the climate change Encyclical.

Targets: Christianity and Confucianism

In addition to his duties in service of Prince Philip’s efforts to eliminate six of every seven human beings, Palmer is also one of the United Kingdom’s leading China scholars. His work in China is totally consistent with his promotion of Satanic, anti-human environmentalist ideology. Palmer glorifies Taoism (Daoism) over Confucianism as the core of “Chinese thought.”

Although professing to be a Christian, Palmer is actually a Satanist, violently opposed to the Christian concept of imago viva dei, that man is created in the living image of God, through the creative power of the mind to discover and apply the laws of the universe, making it possible for Mankind to follow the mandate in Genesis to “have dominion” over nature. In an interview with China Daily on April 24, 2015, Palmer said that when he first visited a Taoist temple in China, he was “fascinated and challenged” by the existence of over 400 gods, and that being able to pray not to One God but to many, was “delightfully liberating” to him.

Palmer added:

My Christianity is deeply shaped by my Taoism. I was only able to become a Christian because understanding Taoism helped me throw away some of the baggage of Christianity. To Palmer, that “baggage” referred to the concept of imago viva dei, and the Genesis command for man to bring dominion over nature, and to “be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it.”

This is the man Prince Philip has entrusted to subvert China, which is currently leading the world towards a new world economic order, through the New Silk Road process unleashed by President Xi Jinping, and the BRICS alliance based on global development and new international financial institutions, as an alternative to the bankrupt trans-Atlantic system.Some of the 400 Taoist deities in a temple area designated for praying and meditation.In an interview with the Pulitzer Center on October 23, 2014, Palmer said:

How on earth do you stop this juggernaut, thundering forward, of industrialization, of pollution, of commercialization of consumerism? You look for the alternatives, and you begin to promote those alternatives. The alternative, in every culture, is a simpler lifestyle inspired by deeper values.

In China, this means, for Palmer, the Taoist tradition, rather than the Confucian tradition. He has made his name as a translator of the Taoist texts,—the Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzu and the writings of Chuang Tzu. Perhaps the best example of the opposite approaches to science and technology taken by the Confucians and the Taoists, is the famous passage from the Taoist Chuang Tzu, who imagines a meeting between a disciple of Confucius and a Taoist peasant who is scooping water with a cup to irrigate his field.The Confucian says: “If you had a machine here, in a day you could irrigate one hundred times your present area. The labor required is trifling as compared with the work done. Would you not like one?” He describes a well-sweep, whose foot-driven pulley with wooden scoops lifts water from an irrigation ditch.The Taoist peasant denounces him, insisting that anyone who is cunning with instruments must also have a scheming heart, cannot be pure and incorrupt, and is thus not a fit vehicle for the Tao (the “Way”). “It is not that I do not know of such things,”

He says, “but I should be ashamed to use them.” (Chuang Tzu, 12). Thus, Taoism corresponds to the Satanic current in the West which degrades man to an animal, fit only for manual labor and bare subsistence (except for the oligarchs, of course).

The Role of Joseph Needham

There is a history to the fact that Palmer holds his position as the leading China expert in the UK, beloved by the Royal Family. In the China Daily interview mentioned above, Palmer acknowledges that he was trained directly by Joseph Needham, the British Empire’s preeminent profiler and saboteur of worm. And yet, Needham held Confucianism, China’s development until his death in 1995 at the age of 95. Palmer studied under Needham at Cambridge from 1973-75, with an emphasis on China Studies and theology.

Needham, as EIR has documented (see “Obituary: The Taoist Hell of Joseph Needham, 1900-1995” by Michael Billington, EIR, April 21, 1995), began his career as a biochemist in the circles of geneticist J.B.S. Haldane, Bertrand Russell, and Julian Huxley. Needham collaborated with Huxley in the creation of

UNESCO, which from the outset was an occult-infested British intelligence nest within the United Nations Organization, and was directly involved in the creation of Prince Philip’s WWF. In his 16-volume Science and Civilization in China, Needham compiled many facts regarding Chinese scientific discoveries in the era preceding the European Renaissance, but credits those discoveries to Taoism and the belief in magic.

As I wrote in the obituary:

Needham acknowledged that the Confucian tradition was that of rational thought, based on the concept of man as fundamentally good, endowed by Heaven with certain virtues, the foremost being the love of truth (ren), whereas the opposite, Taoist tradition was one of mysticism, magic, and the belief that man is no more meaningful in the cosmic reality than a rock or a possible for the retardation of science in China, while the great scientific developments of the earlier ages were credited to the alchemy of the Taoists!

“Rational theology,” he wrote, “was anti-scientific, mystical theology proved to be pro-scientific.” Taoists, he claimed, like the alchemists in the West, launched “real science” through the empiricist, directionless mixing of chemicals in search of magic potions.

Nor was Needham’s embrace of Taoism based simply on its rejection of science. He declared his favorite passage from the Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzu to be:Heaven and Earth are without benevolence.

They treat the 10,000 things as straw dogs.

Nor is the Sage benevolent.To him also are the hundred clans but straw dogs.

The Chinese word for “benevolence” here is ren, which in Confucianism has a connotation similar to agape in Christianity, referring to the love of God and Mankind as a whole. The intention of Taoism, and of Palmer and Needham, is clear. Like Zeus and the gods of Olympus, they insist that Mankind be treated like an animal, through punishment and reward, and access to technology must be denied him. Zeus condemned Prometheus to perpetual torture for the crime of providing the knowledge of fire to the human race.

In the 1986 interview with an investigative journalist referenced above, Needham’s protégé Palmer even argued that trees should not be cut down, since a tree “has the same right to exist as man.” He identified the enemy of Prince Philip’s WWF as “the ideas of the last 200 years,” pointing explicitly to the American Revolution.

“The real problem,” Palmer said, “is the industrialization matrix of philosophy and thought,” identifying four historical trends as causes for this “industrial matrix,” which he insists must be reversed. These include:

  • The era of Bismarck in creating the German sovereign state;
  • The evolution of Catholic Humanism under Leonardo da Vinci and Erasmus during the Christian Renaissance;
  • The rediscovery of Greek Platonism after the fall of Constantinople in 1453 (a reference to the work of Nicholas of Cusa, whose scientific and philosophical ideas launched the Renaissance); and
  • the creation of the United States, noting that this was the confluence of the first three.

These are, of course, the key processes in modern history which pulled humanity out of several dark ages, allowing the vast expansion of populations at higher standards of living and with longer life spans. Today, as these processes are indeed being destroyed in the Western world under the domination of the British financial Empire, China is becoming still more important as a target for the Satanists.

The 2009 UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, which the British Empire intended to be the launching of a global genocide policy under the guise of mandatory carbon reductions worldwide,—ostensibly to stop (non-existent) global warming,—totally failed, due to strong resistance from China and India, which recognized that such restrictions would cripple their efforts to escape from poverty and backwardness through industrial and scientific development. This November, in Paris, the 2015 UN Climate Change Conference will begin.

The British Empire claims that they will be able to reverse the failure of 2009, and impose a global, mandatory restriction on so-called “greenhouse gases.” For this to be realized, China (and India) must be reined in.

This is where Palmer’s profiling and psychological warfare against the Confucian tradition come into play.

Palmer himself is playing an active role in the current drive. A July 21 Paris “Summit of Conscience for Climate,” to be hosted by the French government, was Palmer’s idea. That summit will see a specially invited audience of 300 “religious and moral figures” sit around for a day listening to each other speak on “why I care” about the climate—as part of the buildup for the official meetings in the fall.

Two Paradigms

The world is increasingly aware that there are now two totally distinct paradigms at play in the world. On the one hand, the collapsing trans-Atlantic world, imposing austerity upon their own nations to salvage bankrupt financial institutions, waging perpetual war across the globe and threatening thermonuclear war on Russia and China, while internally decaying socially under the domination of the now-predominant rock-drug-sex counter-culture.

But there is another system coming into being, centered on China’s New Silk Road initiatives, the emergence of the BRICS alliance, and the new financial institutions coming into being this year and next, to finance great infrastructure projects throughout the developing sector nations.

This latter is seen as the enemy of the British Empire and its stooge Obama. Just as Joseph Needham subverted China, even offering full support for the bestial “Cultural Revolution” in 1966-75, especially for the “Anti-Confucius Campaign” during the Cultural Revolution,—so also is Martin Palmer the Royal Family’s hitman against China’s renewed Confucian role in the world under President Xi Jinping, based on the harmony of interests among all people through development. Palmer does not hide his intentions. In the Pulitzer Center interview referenced above, he calls for the overthrow of the Chinese Government. Palmer “predicts” that the “Chinese Communist Party may very well be one of the shorter-lived dynasties in history,” because the “relationship between religion [i.e., Taoism—ed.] and politics will come to a burning point within the next 20-30 years. In Xinjiang and Tibet you could argue it already has.”

Palmer and Prince Philip actually have a far shorter time frame in mind,—as short as a few weeks.

Crucial background for this report came from two articles by Mark Burdman published in EIR in 1986 (“Prince Philip to Set a New ‘Satanist Covenant’ in Assisi”) and 1996 (“Martin Palmer, Prince Philip’s Guru”).

The British Royal Family’s PlanTo Return the World to the Stone Age

By: Michael Billington

June 28—No wonder British Royal Family and its stable of genocidalists have rushed to praise the new Papal Encyclical Laudato Si’. It was largely written by their own long time lackey Hans-Joachim (John) Schellnhuber, who was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth in 2004. With this Encyclical, the British Monarchy claims to have captured the Vatican as a tool of their long-standing campaign to reduce world population to about one billion, driving the world back into stone-age conditions, without fossil fuels or nuclear power. In fact, their hoisting the House of Windsor flag over St. Peter’s Basilica, should serve as a warning that they are about to instruct Barack Obama, their asset in the White House, to proceed with his thermonuclear war against Russia and China, a war which is already in the final stages of preparation.

The Encyclical claiming the capture of the Vatican, is the culmination of a thirty-year campaign by the Queen’s Consort, Prince Philip,—famous for his desire to be reincarnated as a deadly virus in order to help solve the “overpopulation problem.” His scheme was to seize control over major world religions, tothen use them as a battering-ram to destroy the fruit of the hated Italian Renaissance: science, technology, industry, and republican government. This would complete the work left unfinished by 150 years of religious warfare in Europe after 1492.

1986 was the 25th Anniversary of the founding of the World Wildlife Fund, which had been co-founded by Philip and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a card-carrying member of the Nazi Party.

On that occasion, Philip sponsored a conference in Assisi, Italy, to create the “WWF Religion and Conservation Network.” It aimed at degrading the world’s religions, injecting into them all and animist, pagan worship of “Mother Earth,” and launching them into a satanic attack on science, technology and population growth as “destructive of the environment.” The intent was to destroy the social and cultural capacity of nations to resist British Empire geno- cide.

This evil political purpose is exemplified by the fact that the person placed in charge of this operation by Prince Philip, one Martin Palmer, is also the British Empire’s leading intelligence agent in their effort to subvert China.

Back to ‘Nature Faiths’

Palmer, Philip’s “religious advisor,” ran the WWF Religion and Conservation Network, which morphed into the Alliance for Religion and Conservation (ARC) in 1995 at a conference held in Windsor Castle. And just last week, the ARC issued a statement hailing Pope Francis’s climate change Encyclical as “something very extraordinary in the journey to link religions with conservation and conservation with religions.”Palmer wrote in his 1992 book Coming of Age: An Exploration of Christianity and the New Age, that Christianity was guilty of the “deification of humanity and its products, science and industry.”

Prince Philip, at the 1995 founding of ARC, attended by representatives of nine world religions, called for “vital action” to protect the environment fromthe dramatic increase in the world’s human population. The key issue for the conservation of our natural environment is to find ways of protecting it from the consequences of the human population explosion.

In an interview with an investigative journalist in 1986 about the purpose of that Assisi conference, Palmer gushed:

The whole idea for these Assisi events came from Prince Philip personally, once he realized that there existed other ways of viewing the relationship between man and nature, than just the Western way. The word from Prince Philip is that, after this week, world religions can never remain the same.

The idea was to degrade the great religions, especially Christianity itself, to the same status as what Palmer called “nature faiths,” referring to aboriginal animist religions and Taoism, which view man as coequal to the animals and to primitive nature. The Assisi conference would launch alternative ways of perceiving nature, where we, the human race, are not the kingpins who can destroy as much as we wish. What we do is, we look more at the Chinese attitude toward the land, the notion that life is cyclical, not linear, that humanity is not the end of creation. Palmer elaborated the point in response to a question on the implications of the Gaia hypothesis:

What the earth cares about is its own continued survival, and if this means shrugging off humanity, then so be it. One of the most challenging ideas emerging from the environmental crisis and from concepts such as Gaia, is the notion that humanity really isn’t that important. This poses major problems to Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.

This was nearly 30 years ago. Now, the fact that Prince Philip’s Commander of the British Empire, John Schellnhuber, has now trumpeted the capture the Vatican for this anti-Christian, anti-human view of the world, must be recognized as the enormous threat that it is. Even then, In 1986, Palmer bragged that he had “good working relations” with leading figures in the Vatican and the Justice and Peace (Justitia et Pax) group. The current head of the Justitia et Pax, Cardinal Turkson, is a rabid environmentalist, and participated along with Schellnhuber at the official release

of the climate change Encyclical.

Targets: Christianity and Confucianism

In addition to his duties in service of Prince Philip’s efforts to eliminate six of every seven human beings, Palmer is also one of the United Kingdom’s leading China scholars. His work in China is totally consistent with his promotion of Satanic, anti-human environmentalist ideology. Palmer glorifies Taoism (Daoism) over Confucianism as the core of “Chinese thought.”

Although professing to be a Christian, Palmer is actually a Satanist, violently opposed to the Christian concept of imago viva dei, that man is created in the living image of God, through the creative power of the mind to discover and apply the laws of the universe, making it possible for Mankind to follow the mandate in Genesis to “have dominion” over nature. In an interview with China Daily on April 24, 2015, Palmer said that when he first visited a Taoist temple in China, he was “fascinated and challenged” by the existence of over 400 gods, and that being able to pray not to One God but to many, was “delightfully liberating” to him.

Palmer added:

My Christianity is deeply shaped by my Taoism. I was only able to become a Christian because understanding Taoism helped me throw away some of the baggage of Christianity. To Palmer, that “baggage” referred to the concept of imago viva dei, and the Genesis command for man to bring dominion over nature, and to “be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it.”

This is the man Prince Philip has entrusted to subvert China, which is currently leading the world towards a new world economic order, through the New Silk Road process unleashed by President Xi Jinping, and the BRICS alliance based on global development and new international financial institutions, as an alternative to the bankrupt trans-Atlantic system.Some of the 400 Taoist deities in a temple area designated for praying and meditation.In an interview with the Pulitzer Center on October 23, 2014, Palmer said:

How on earth do you stop this juggernaut, thundering forward, of industrialization, of pollution, of commercialization of consumerism? You look for the alternatives, and you begin to promote those alternatives. The alternative, in every culture, is a simpler lifestyle inspired by deeper values.

In China, this means, for Palmer, the Taoist tradition, rather than the Confucian tradition. He has made his name as a translator of the Taoist texts,—the Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzu and the writings of Chuang Tzu. Perhaps the best example of the opposite approaches to science and technology taken by the Confucians and the Taoists, is the famous passage from the Taoist Chuang Tzu, who imagines a meeting between a disciple of Confucius and a Taoist peasant who is scooping water with a cup to irrigate his field.The Confucian says: “If you had a machine here, in a day you could irrigate one hundred times your present area. The labor required is trifling as compared with the work done. Would you not like one?” He describes a well-sweep, whose foot-driven pulley with wooden scoops lifts water from an irrigation ditch.The Taoist peasant denounces him, insisting that anyone who is cunning with instruments must also have a scheming heart, cannot be pure and incorrupt, and is thus not a fit vehicle for the Tao (the “Way”). “It is not that I do not know of such things,”

He says, “but I should be ashamed to use them.” (Chuang Tzu, 12). Thus, Taoism corresponds to the Satanic current in the West which degrades man to an animal, fit only for manual labor and bare subsistence (except for the oligarchs, of course).

The Role of Joseph Needham

There is a history to the fact that Palmer holds his position as the leading China expert in the UK, beloved by the Royal Family. In the China Daily interview mentioned above, Palmer acknowledges that he was trained directly by Joseph Needham, the British Empire’s preeminent profiler and saboteur of worm. And yet, Needham held Confucianism, China’s development until his death in 1995 at the age of 95. Palmer studied under Needham at Cambridge from 1973-75, with an emphasis on China Studies and theology.

Needham, as EIR has documented (see “Obituary: The Taoist Hell of Joseph Needham, 1900-1995” by Michael Billington, EIR, April 21, 1995), began his career as a biochemist in the circles of geneticist J.B.S. Haldane, Bertrand Russell, and Julian Huxley. Needham collaborated with Huxley in the creation of

UNESCO, which from the outset was an occult-infested British intelligence nest within the United Nations Organization, and was directly involved in the creation of Prince Philip’s WWF. In his 16-volume Science and Civilization in China, Needham compiled many facts regarding Chinese scientific discoveries in the era preceding the European Renaissance, but credits those discoveries to Taoism and the belief in magic.

As I wrote in the obituary:

Needham acknowledged that the Confucian tradition was that of rational thought, based on the concept of man as fundamentally good, endowed by Heaven with certain virtues, the foremost being the love of truth (ren), whereas the opposite, Taoist tradition was one of mysticism, magic, and the belief that man is no more meaningful in the cosmic reality than a rock or a possible for the retardation of science in China, while the great scientific developments of the earlier ages were credited to the alchemy of the Taoists!

“Rational theology,” he wrote, “was anti-scientific, mystical theology proved to be pro-scientific.” Taoists, he claimed, like the alchemists in the West, launched “real science” through the empiricist, directionless mixing of chemicals in search of magic potions.

Nor was Needham’s embrace of Taoism based simply on its rejection of science. He declared his favorite passage from the Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzu to be:Heaven and Earth are without benevolence.

They treat the 10,000 things as straw dogs.

Nor is the Sage benevolent.To him also are the hundred clans but straw dogs.

The Chinese word for “benevolence” here is ren, which in Confucianism has a connotation similar to agape in Christianity, referring to the love of God and Mankind as a whole. The intention of Taoism, and of Palmer and Needham, is clear. Like Zeus and the gods of Olympus, they insist that Mankind be treated like an animal, through punishment and reward, and access to technology must be denied him. Zeus condemned Prometheus to perpetual torture for the crime of providing the knowledge of fire to the human race.

In the 1986 interview with an investigative journalist referenced above, Needham’s protégé Palmer even argued that trees should not be cut down, since a tree “has the same right to exist as man.” He identified the enemy of Prince Philip’s WWF as “the ideas of the last 200 years,” pointing explicitly to the American Revolution.

“The real problem,” Palmer said, “is the industrialization matrix of philosophy and thought,” identifying four historical trends as causes for this “industrial matrix,” which he insists must be reversed. These include:

  • The era of Bismarck in creating the German sovereign state;
  • The evolution of Catholic Humanism under Leonardo da Vinci and Erasmus during the Christian Renaissance;
  • The rediscovery of Greek Platonism after the fall of Constantinople in 1453 (a reference to the work of Nicholas of Cusa, whose scientific and philosophical ideas launched the Renaissance); and
  • the creation of the United States, noting that this was the confluence of the first three.

These are, of course, the key processes in modern history which pulled humanity out of several dark ages, allowing the vast expansion of populations at higher standards of living and with longer life spans. Today, as these processes are indeed being destroyed in the Western world under the domination of the British financial Empire, China is becoming still more important as a target for the Satanists.

The 2009 UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, which the British Empire intended to be the launching of a global genocide policy under the guise of mandatory carbon reductions worldwide,—ostensibly to stop (non-existent) global warming,—totally failed, due to strong resistance from China and India, which recognized that such restrictions would cripple their efforts to escape from poverty and backwardness through industrial and scientific development. This November, in Paris, the 2015 UN Climate Change Conference will begin.

The British Empire claims that they will be able to reverse the failure of 2009, and impose a global, mandatory restriction on so-called “greenhouse gases.” For this to be realized, China (and India) must be reined in.

This is where Palmer’s profiling and psychological warfare against the Confucian tradition come into play.

Palmer himself is playing an active role in the current drive. A July 21 Paris “Summit of Conscience for Climate,” to be hosted by the French government, was Palmer’s idea. That summit will see a specially invited audience of 300 “religious and moral figures” sit around for a day listening to each other speak on “why I care” about the climate—as part of the buildup for the official meetings in the fall.

Two Paradigms

The world is increasingly aware that there are now two totally distinct paradigms at play in the world. On the one hand, the collapsing trans-Atlantic world, imposing austerity upon their own nations to salvage bankrupt financial institutions, waging perpetual war across the globe and threatening thermonuclear war on Russia and China, while internally decaying socially under the domination of the now-predominant rock-drug-sex counter-culture.

But there is another system coming into being, centered on China’s New Silk Road initiatives, the emergence of the BRICS alliance, and the new financial institutions coming into being this year and next, to finance great infrastructure projects throughout the developing sector nations.

This latter is seen as the enemy of the British Empire and its stooge Obama. Just as Joseph Needham subverted China, even offering full support for the bestial “Cultural Revolution” in 1966-75, especially for the “Anti-Confucius Campaign” during the Cultural Revolution,—so also is Martin Palmer the Royal Family’s hitman against China’s renewed Confucian role in the world under President Xi Jinping, based on the harmony of interests among all people through development. Palmer does not hide his intentions. In the Pulitzer Center interview referenced above, he calls for the overthrow of the Chinese Government. Palmer “predicts” that the “Chinese Communist Party may very well be one of the shorter-lived dynasties in history,” because the “relationship between religion [i.e., Taoism—ed.] and politics will come to a burning point within the next 20-30 years. In Xinjiang and Tibet you could argue it already has.”

Palmer and Prince Philip actually have a far shorter time frame in mind,—as short as a few weeks.

Crucial background for this report came from two articles by Mark Burdman published in EIR in 1986 (“Prince Philip to Set a New ‘Satanist Covenant’ in Assisi”) and 1996 (“Martin Palmer, Prince Philip’s Guru”).

Posted By: Rhea Razon


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