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Mudfish Spawning Technology


Topic: Mudfish Spawning Technology | TUKLASIN NATIN
Host: Cathy Cruz
Dr. Casiano Choresca, Jr.
Career Scientist I
National Fisheries Research and Development Institute
Department of Agriculture

Dr. Casiano Choresca, Jr. finished his BS in Fisheries major in Aquaculture at the Iloilo State University of Fisheries Science and Technology as a DOST-SEI Scholar and Cum Laude.
He also completed his Master’s and Doctore of Philosophy in Veterinary Medicine (Aquatic Medicine) at the Seoul National University.
His current researches are in biotechnological approaches in the production of mudfish (Channa striata), induced breeding of Climbing Perch Anabas testudineus using induced spawning hormones, and promoting aquaculture technologies in freshwater fish.